PinnedPublished inFanfareThe 10 Most ‘Totally Traumatizing’ PG-Rated Movies That Generation X Watched as Kids‘Some material may not be suitable for children,’ they warned. Our Boomer parents did not GAFApr 13, 2024121Apr 13, 2024121
PinnedPublished inFanfareGreat Debate: 7 Times the Term ‘Hip-Hop’ Was Used in Printed Matter Before Historians SayDip-dip-dive, so-socialize — Clean out your ears and open your eyes.Aug 23, 20236Aug 23, 20236
PinnedTIME And TIME Again: The Very Obvious Bleaching Of Ariana GrandeThere’s something oddly familiar about this.Jan 13, 201980Jan 13, 201980
PinnedOrang Asli: Introduction to the ‘First People’ of Southeast AsiaFor much of my adult life, I have been collecting old photographs of the so-called “little blacks” of Asia.Jun 2, 201715Jun 2, 201715
PinnedPublished inFanfare16 Times Comic Book Artists Totally Rocked Rock Music Album Cover ArtThese will, these will rock you.Mar 13, 20223Mar 13, 20223
Published inCounter ArtsFat Joe, Embrace the Truth: Latinos Did Not Partly Create Hip-HopA vintage photo recalls how young Puerto Ricans embraced an already present black subcultureMar 114Mar 114
Published inFanfareGen Z, Please Touch Some Grass. Toonami Did not ‘Put Everyone onto Anime’Gen X cultivated anime fandom before you were even born.Mar 13Mar 13
Interesting read, J.C., reflecting a very respectable amount of research.I’ve been fascinated with King Kong and Godzilla since I was a kid in the 1970s, and have written quite a bit about both.Jan 29Jan 29
Published inFanfareThis Dave Stevens-Related Discovery Will Excite Collectors of His Comic Book worksA 1950s sci-fi magazine inspired what is arguably his most popular comic book cover.May 31, 20241May 31, 20241
This was quite the pleasant surprise.Thank you both for introducing me to this swell podcast of yours and this episode's thoughtful selection of Medium writers whose works I…Apr 30, 20241Apr 30, 20241