I was in my mid-thirties when I finally figured out that I had a wee bit of a writing talent.

From the age when I was old enough to hold a crayon properly, my focus was on drawing and makin’ “pitchers,” because I loved it.

Creating art.

After graduating high school, and after wandering about aimlessly for a few years, while tryna figure out what to do with my life, I went back to school and got a degree in graphic design.

For a few years, I got paid to make art.

And while, as a creative person, art (and design) was my first love, I think I’m a bit better at writing.

Writing allows me to explore my deep interests in not only art, but anthropology (I was a sometimes science nerd in school), pop culture, movies, comic books (Said I was a nerd, okay?), hip-hop, human history (I repeat…), and whatever else adds richness to my being.

Writing also gives me a sense of purpose for my life. I hope that some of what I put down on "paper" will add a little bit of richness to yours.

Medium member since March 2019
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Paco Taylor

Paco Taylor

Paco writes about Eastern & Western pop culture, history, and art. He has bylines at CBR, G-Fan, Comics Beat, NeoText, and Nextshark | stpaco@gmail