I think that pleasant bit of fiction you highlighted is among the most common beliefs held by liberal-leaning Americans.
I try to stay mindful, however, of the survey conducted 10-years or so ago that revealed how 75% of white Americans don’t have any non-white friends.
That doesn’t happen by accident.
Well, unless growing up in one of the 10 states with 86% to 90% white populations (like Idaho) is part of your fairly reasonable excuse for having an all-white Facebook friends list.
Yanno, taking what 2014 survey revealed the next logical step ––which I’ve never thought to do until this moment––our openly racist former president was elected just two years later, shattering the illusion of a “post-racial America.”
And now, in 2024, the one-term prez is the GOP’s far and away top pick for both the openly racist who vote and those whom we think are just closeted about their dislike of racism.
So yeah, I don’t think it’s any question at all that a large number of whites are much more comfortable with bigotry and racism than many of us want to believe.
Our problem is far too often idealizing the well-meaning intentions of folks who don’t actually have them.
Along with segregated social circles, the fervent embrace of Donald Trump should've been our *second* clue.